Sunday, 3 May 2020

Things I'm Looking Forward To In May!

Spring has well and truly sprung and I am really enjoying the sunnier days and lighter nights. And although we may not be able to make any plans to enjoy the Spring sunshine yet, I still have things to look forward to this month. Here's what...

1. Sunnier days. The weather just keeps getting better and better and I am enjoying more days spent in the garden in the sunshine with a magazine in one hand and a gin in the other.

2. More video calls with my family. Now that I've finally got my grandparents video calling, and I'm soon to get my mum set up there too, I'm hoping for more video calls with all my family.

3. Bank holidays! May sees two bank holidays and okay, so we can't go to the beach or the zoo like we usually would, but it'll still be nice to have some time off work with my husband.

4. New book releases. I've reigned in my book buying of late, after a row with my husband, but there's still at least three books I've got on pre-order for this month that I'm really excited for! 

5. Watching the baby fish navigate the adult tank. My two baby fish have graduated from the breeder box to the adult tank and I'm both excited and terrified to watch how they grow and get on in with the big boys. 

6. Making more TikTok videos of my cat. Yes, lads. I've discovered TikTok and I am obsessed. I've posted two videos of my cat so far that have gone down quite well. I'm excited to make and share more! 

7. More Harry Potter. Hubby and I watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets over the weekend. I'm excited to continue the magical journey with him with the next few things. 

8. Online pub quizzes. Lots of online pub quizzes are popping up all over the internet and I'm excited to take part in a few. Hubby and I always have a laugh trying to answer the questions! 

9. Catching up on laundry. With not much else to do my house is sparkling and the laundry basket is creeping down in size. Might this be the month I finally have an empty laundry basket (for 24 hours, anyway)?

10. Burning a new candle. I've got so many to choose from and I'm excited to choose a new one to light. 

What are you looking forward to this month? 

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