I was contacted through my blog's Facebook page by someone from BBC Radio Gloucestershire the week before last who'd spotted my 5 Good Deeds You Can Do In Lockdown blog post and wanted to discuss it, and my blog, with me for the radio station's The Evening Show. A few days after I received the message, I had a phone call from the Presenter/Producer of the show who chatted with me a bit about my blog and home life and then asked if I wanted to co-host the show with him the following week! I didn't give myself time to think about it, I just said YES.
As the days passed, I got more and more nervous. I've never been on the radio before and I had no idea what to expect. I made a few notes on my phone about my blog, how it started and so on. And then the day arrived. The day I was to co-host The Evening Show!
I co-hosted from home by calling into the studio on my laptop. When I connected, I spoke to one of the presenters who talked me through recording my introduction and had me pre-record some song intros. During which, Alexa decided to chime in! I styled it out like a professional though and thankfully I wasn't live at the time. Then it was time to go live. I had a ten minute chat with the presenter about my blog, how working from home is going in lockdown, and my cat. It was very relaxed and informal, and even though I had no idea of the questions I'd be asked before we went live, I think I answered well.
After my live segment, I did another ten minute chat with the presenter that was pre-recorded to go live later in the show. To give the appearance I was there with them all night when, in reality, I'd only been dialled into the studio for 45 minutes or so. And that was that!
Throughout the evening, texts of support came in from friends and family who were listening. Which was very helpful. And the presenters of the show were very nice, friendly and reassuring. They talked me through everything and made me feel so relaxed that, despite my nerves, I found myself really enjoying the experience! Overall, it was a fantastic experience and something I could never have done a year or two ago when my anxiety was at it's worst. I'm really glad I could took the opportunity offered to me and didn't give myself time to doubt and anxiety change my answer/mind.
Have you ever been on the radio?
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