1. I have to be busy. I've always complained that there aren't enough hours in the day. I thought lockdown would give me a chance to slow down. But it turns out I need to be busy. And even in lockdown I find myself constantly chasing my tail, still running out of hours everyday. Is this because there's just too much I want to cram into each day? Or because I don't want to be alone with my thoughts? Or because I feel like a failure if I'm not busy? Possibly a combination of all three. But I don't think I'll be living a slower life anytime soon.
2. What matters most. What are we all missing the most in our current situation? The answer from most people will be their family and friends. And not material things. I don't miss shopping, all the Primark hauls or random finds in Aldi's Aisle of Wonder. I miss hugs from my grandma, laughing with my mum and breakfasts with my friends. I've learnt a valuable lesson in that material things really don't matter, it's the connections and our loved ones that are most important. And if I could never shop again that'd be fine, just so long as I could see my nearest and dearest.
3. The importance of nature. One thing that has stopped my mental health declining too much during lockdown has been getting out in nature. Whether it's walking up the blossom tree lined path to the corner shop or sitting out in my garden. Soaking up the sun we've been lucky enough to enjoy over the last few weeks and watching the birds flit around has a very soothing effect on me not gonna lie. I'm grateful we have the front and back garden to sit out in and enjoy nature, and can't imagine life without that option!
What's something you've learnt during lockdown?
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