Some time ago, I set out 30 goals I wanted to achieve before I turn 30 and, with only a few months to go, it's time to check in on how those goals are going. I'll be doing another post shortly after my birthday to check off any goals I've managed to achieve in the time between now and then. And then I'll be sharing my 40 Before 40! But before all that, here's a little look back at my 30 Before 30 goals.
1. Visit New York at Christmas. Well, this hasn't happened. Mostly due to the fact that I'm a) terrified of flying and b) afraid of staying away from home overnight. And as we won't be going anywhere abroad this year, even if we wanted to, I don't think a travel goal is likely to get ticked off before my birthday. I'm going to revise this goal to Plan a weekend away for 2021. And I can safely say we've done that we've booked in at a cute little B&B in St Ives for a weekend in July to celebrate my best friend's wedding (I'm Maid of Honour!)
2. Go to the dentist. Hahaha. Nope. And not likely to now, either. Time to revise this one too to Take better care of my teeth (to avoid the dentist!) I'll do this by brushing my teeth twice a day, instead of once, and using mouthwash regularly.
4. Have a baby (or two.) I only wish I could check this one off. We're still childless and still trying. I had to go on the pill last year to control my really heavy, non-stop bleeding so I had a good six months where I had no chance to get pregnant. So I'm revising this goal to Come off the pill which I have done recently!
7. Celebrate Christmas at home. Well, we might have to this year if a vaccine isn't found and I still can't see my family. But I'm less interested in spending Christmas at home with just my husband now and more concerned with spending it with my family. No point revising this goal, as Christmas comes after I've turned 30, so this one will go unchecked.
8. Read, at least, one book a month. This was a silly goal really. Some months I'll read upwards of 10 books. Others months 1 or less. I'm going to revise it to Read, at least, 100 books a year and that's a check for the last few years.
10. Keep a diary. Meh. Diaries are overrated. I don't have time to write one everyday! I'm revising this to Keep a gratitude journal as I think that's much more reasonable and important, even. Every night before bed I'll make a note of, at least, three things that have made me smile, feel grateful or happy that day.
11. Redecorate the kitchen. This has been put on hold, as it's an expensive project and we just don't have the funds right now. Instead I'm going to aim for Start saving money for a kitchen refurb.
12. Grow my Bloglovin' to 1000 followers. Ooh boy, was I optimistic. Let's aim for 500 followers instead.
13. Grow my Twitter and Instagram following to 5000. I mean, combined I'm almost there. Separately? Nowhere near. Let's revise this to Reach 4.5k on Twitter and Instagram (combined.)
14. Lose 7 stone. Not even close. I've definitely lost some weight over lockdown though, so I'm hoping I can Lose 1 stone by my birthday!
15. Repaint the house. Still hasn't been done, and is getting more and more desperate. Especially since I stained part of the living room wall with soot from a candle. Oops? I doubt we'll get to it this year though, so this goal is likely to remain unchecked.
16. Go full-time with blogging. This hasn't happened but not just because it can't, but because I don't want to. I like my day job, and I'm not as in love with blogging as I once was. So I shall Remain employed for some time to come I think!
17. Attend at least one blogging event. Nah, anxiety and finances got in the way of this. But that's okay, there's always next year. And instead I'd like to Attend a therapy event before my birthday. And oh, what's that? I did, last year in fact! And I found it immensely helpful.
18. Buy myself a MacBook. How about Pay off some of my debt then buy a MacBook instead?
22. Swim with dolphins. Was I high when I wrote this list? As if that was going to happen when I can't even set foot on a plane! I don't know what I could realistically replace this goal with, so it'll remain unchecked.
23. Have some decent savings. Another one to revise, maybe to Focus on clearing my debt instead.
24. Get my name put on the mortgage. This just isn't feasible as they'd charge us an extortionate sum just to add my name on to the mortgage agreement. So we'll wait till we buy a new house and then I'll be on the mortgage!
25. Replace the fire in our living room. Another one we haven't got around to yet. I'm going to change this one to Look into replacing the coals in our living room fire. This is something I can do in lockdown, at least.
27. Go to a field, lie down and watch the stars. This is one that could actually be achievable over the next few months. Not much else to do really is there?
30. Get a dog. I knew this one was going to be tricky, near on impossible to be honest. So here's a new goal; Buy some more fish and shrimp.
So, there's a fair bit of work to do in the next few months. But I have achieved 14 out of 30, and that's almost half! Hopefully I can smash the rest. New goals are:
- Take better care of my teeth
- Keep a gratitude journal
- Start saving for a kitchen refurb
- 500 followers on BL
- 4,500 followers on Twitter and Instagram (combined)
- Lose 1 stone
- Remain employed
- Pay off some of my debt
- Focus on clearing my debt
- Look into replacing the coals in our living room fire
- Watch the stars in a field
- Buy more fish and shrimp.
That feels achievable. I'll update you on my progress after my 30th! Time to get started thinking about my 40 Before 40...
Wish me luck!
Achieving almost half of your goals is worth celebrating! I definitely recommend keeping a gratitude journal, it's really helped my mental health. Wishing you all the best Aimee! x