Friday, 5 June 2020

June Goals

June already? This year really is speeding past! And we've spent about a quarter of it in lockdown. Safe to say most people's plans for the year have gone to shit. But we've got to do whatever necessary to stay safe, right? I know I'm not intending to go anywhere anytime soon. Not until the R rate is down, new cases significantly lower, and deaths in the single digits preferably. But that doesn't mean I can't work on myself, my home, my relationship, my friendships this month. Before diving into my goals for June, here's a little look at how I got on with my May goals. 

1. Read all my Your Cat and Happiful magazines. And then some. I also got through all my Planet Mindful magazines last month. And now just have In The Moment and some bookazines left.

2. Spend less time on the computer. I'm still obsessed with The Sims, and will be again with the new expansion pack coming out this week. But I've made more time for reading, or socially distanced socialising to give my eyes a break from the screen.

3. Skype with my mum. Haven't got around to this yet, but not for lack of trying!

And now, here are my goals for June!

1. Stick to a budget. Most shops are closed. Most takeaways and restaurants, too. But somehow I've spent more this month than I might have before lockdown started. Next month I want to rein in my spending and stick to a tighter budget.

2. Walk more. The gyms are all shut and will be for some time. And even when they reopen I can honestly say I'm in no rush to go back there. Germy places! So I want to get out, possibly with my neighbour, and walk. It's a great form of exercise and can be done anywhere at anytime. 

3. Donate some clothes to charity. My wardrobe is bursting at the seams. And most of it I no longer like, fit into or want. I want to go through all my clothes and be ruthless. Then donate the stuff I no longer want to charity.

What are your goals for June?

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