Hello, June! Am I excited to see you. Before you know it, it'll officially be Summer. But it feels like Summer already, with the unseasonably hot weather we've been enjoying lately. There's plenty I'm looking forward to this month, including the imminent arrival of Summer and the promise of more good weather to come. Here's what!
1. The Sims 4 Eco Living. It might not be the pack most of us Simmers wanted or were expecting. But the more I see of it, in trailers and reviews, the more excited I am for it. And a new world! I do love a new world to explore and move families into.
2. Sunny days. It sure has been lovely to be able to hang washing on the line, open all the windows, and sit outside till late in the evening in just a tee-shirt and shorts. More of this, please!
3. New book releases. I don't think there's a single month this year that doesn't see a book I'm excited for released. But June is one of the best, with some of my favourite authors putting out new books or new books in a series I've loved.
4. More Harry Potter. Husband and I have been watching all the Harry Potter movies from the start together. I've loved introducing him to the magical world of Harry Potter, and we've still got three films left to watch this month.
5. New fish. Back in May, I ordered some new fish for my tank. Unfortunately all of my minnows died during lockdown, as did one of my platy fish. The tank was looking quite bare with just three platy and the baby platy left. So I found a fish stockist online who are still selling, and delivering, during lockdown and my fish will be arriving with me today!
6. Brownies. I am well and truly obsessed with local bakery Tewkesbury Treats's homemade brownies. I try to order a box every week, but am not always successful as boxes are limited. Here's hoping I can get my hands on another box, or two, this month.
7. The Sims 4 base game update. It's not very often you get something for nothing. But Maxis/EA Games are giving us ladders, repo-men and firemen, FOR FREE, in a new base game update this week. I am ready.
8. New horses. Also happening this week, the release of two new horses in my fave online MMORPG Star Stable Online.
9. Growth. I'm hoping to see my new flowers out the front flourish and grow as the month goes on. I water them once a day, my neighbour sometimes does them in the morning for me too. And they're looking good already!
10. A new garden. This is more of an ongoing thing, it won't be completed in June. But it's looking like my Father-in-Law is going to start work on our garden this month. New fence posts and panels, a patio instead of decking, and finally, a catio! I can't wait for the transformation, which I will of course share on Instagram and on here in a separate blog post when it's all finished.
What are you looking forward to this month?
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