Mother, Mother, by Koren Zailckas, is a book I'd been looking forward to for ages. It had been on my Wishlist for ages, when my best friend sent it to me as my Christmas present in 2015. And I've only just picked it up. I know, it's awful. My TBR pile is out of control! Anyway, Mother, Mother did not live up to my expectations for it. It lacked the most important part of any novel; a plot. It was slow, boring and, at times, nonsensical. I desperately wanted to put this book down at the end of every chapter, but I hate to leave a book unfinished. A disappointing book to start the year off, then, but things improved greatly with the next book!
Rating: **
The Passenger, by Lisa Lutz, is a book I picked up after I saw a review of the book on my good friend Alex's blog. It sounded very promising, and unlike Mother, Mother, I wasn't disappointed! I could not put this book down, every chapter ended on another cliff-hanger and I think I finished this book in less than two days!
Rating: *****
When I saw What Light, by Jay Asher, splashed all over the Instagram pages of book bloggers I follow, I was excited. Having read, and loved, Jay Asher's first novel, Thirteen Reasons Why, a few years ago, I had high hopes for any new book from Jay! Admittedly, I didn't expect a romance filled, Christmas themed novel. If you've read Thirteen Reasons Why, you'll understand why! And because I'm not usually one for romance novels, I wasn't sure I'd like What Light. But I can honestly say I loved this book! It's just lovely, and so heart-warming.
Rating: ****
I wasn't expecting to like The Couple Next Door. You see, from the first few pages I had figured out who was responsible for the kidnapping of Anne and Marco Conti's baby, and their motives. And I was disappointed. I felt like, if it was this easy to work out the ending, this book would be a let down. Well, it turned out to be anything but. The story took so many different twists and turns that, at times, I felt like my head was spinning, as I tried to absorb what had just happened. It turned out my hunch wasn't completely wrong, but wrong enough for me not to be disappointed by the final reveal. Although I felt the book ended a little abruptly, it was a fantastic read. One I'd thoroughly recommend!
Rating: *****
Nocturnal Animals is a weird, weird book. It's best described as a story within a story; a book within a book. The story follows Susan Morrow as she reads a manuscript sent to her by her ex husband; a novel he has written. We read this novel along with her, as well as reading about Susan, her family, her worries and her marriage. If you can separate the two stories, you'll enjoy it. Both are so different, and it's fascinating to read the two in tandem, effectively. Although a little flowery, too descriptive and wordy in places, I did find I really enjoyed this book.
Rating: ****
Like last month, I'm aiming to read five books this month. Here's what is on my TBR pile for February...
Charisma by Jeanne Ryan
Lying in Wait by Liz Nugent
Lie With Me by Sabine Durrant
Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge
The Watcher by Ross Armstrong
What's the best book you've read recently?
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