Sunday, 31 December 2017

2017 Was The Year...

You may remember that last year I wrote a post recapping the big events of 2016. I loved recording important moments in our year, like getting engaged, and so I decided to do the same for 2017! Here's what happened in 2017!

...Harley turned two!

I can't believe that in a few weeks, our little kitten will be turning three! Rest assured, he'll be suitably spoilt. He really does have a lovely life here with us.

...I turned 27!

That doesn't seem possible, but it's true. I turned 27 just two days before our wedding day, and we celebrated with a trip to The Making of Harry Potter!

...I've been driving for a year!

I've also had my car for over a year now. That's gone by so quickly, and I definitely no longer have the P plates on! I have so much more confidence when it comes to driving now. 

...I cat-sat these two cuties!

I've done a lot of cat-sitting this year. These two boys are my old driving instructor's cats who I looked after for a few days. I've also looked after my bosses cat, Mahla, on and off during the year!

...I went to West Midlands Safari Park for the first time!

After our wedding, the new husband and I had some time off together and we spent a day at West Midlands Safari Park. It was great, and one of my new favourite zoos!

...I went to The Making of Harry Potter for the first time!

We celebrated my birthday by taking a trip to The Making of Harry Potter in London for the first time. It was every bit as magical as I expected, and I can't wait to go back!

I also celebrated being at my current job for two whole years, which is bizarre, and celebrated my husband's birthday. It was a huge year for us, what with getting married and all, but it was one of the best years yet!

What did you do in 2017? 

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