Wednesday 9 January 2019

2018 was the year...

Get used to the wrap-up posts, guys. I've got quite a few coming over this week and next. From bookish to lifestyle, there's sure to be something to suit everyone. But today's post is focusing on my highlights from 2018. And without further ado, here they are.

Harley turned three. Where has my tiny baby cat gone? In a matter of days, he'll be turning four and I'm just not ready *sobs*. I can still remember when he was small enough to fit in my hand, and was so fluffy he looked like he'd been electrocuted! 

I started, and finished group therapy. And then went on to individual therapy. Given how extremely anxious I was about starting group therapy, that I stuck it out till the end is amazing to me. And this card, filled with lovely goodbye messages from the other group members, is a treasured keepsake for me now.

We went to Ikea together for the first time. And lived to tell the tale. That was quite an experience, for both of us, but we've been back a few times now for various bits and pieces. We consider ourselves a dab hand at the Ikea experience now!

I sold my first car *sad face*. It was time, though. I'd had my car for two years, and was gaining in confidence so much. The end goal was always to sell mine and have just the one between my husband and I. And 2018 saw that end goal finally realised.

We spent the day at The National Sealife Centre in Birmingham. And it was a fantastic day out. In fact, I wrote a blog post with lots of photos and videos about the aquarium. Have a read, here

A hedgehog came to visit! This was such an exciting moment, as I've never seen a hedgehog in our garden before, let alone this close to our backdoor! It also fascinated my cat who had never seen a hedgehog before (he's an indoor cat). We spent ages watching Mr Hedgehog snuffle around outside through the glass.

We went back to my favourite place in the world; Cotswold Wildlife Park. And this time, we took our neighbour with us. We all had such a great time, but the highlight for me was watching the otters. The last two times I've been, the otters haven't been on show. This time they were all out soaking up the sunshine. Daddy was rooting around in the rocks for crab meat, Mummy was sunbathing, and Baby was frolicking in the stream with a crab's leg.

I worked with some amazing brands. From Adagio Teas (who sent me this amazing set of festive teas for Christmas!) to Care+, XLS-Nutrition to Thrive, Go Customised to Iverson Tyres, Phenergan to Latest Deals. I just want to say a big thank-you to all the brands who chose to work with me in 2018, and I hope to work with you all again in the future!

I bought my second (and third) designer bag. In 2018, I got a pay rise. Hooray! So I decided to treat myself to a Ted Baker handbag, purse and make-up bag. When, a few months later, I saw this beauty in the sale? I couldn't resist! So now I have two Ted Baker bags, and I love them both equally.

We celebrated my grandfather's 80th birthday! And what a wonderful celebration it was. Family came together from all across the UK as a surprise to celebrate my granddad turning 80. We had a lovely meal at a little Italian restaurant, followed by a cake with actual fireworks on top that nearly set the fire alarm off. Oops. What a wonderful memory this will be, though.

Compared to 2017, 2018 was a bit something and nothing really. But you can't get married, visit HP Studio Tour and have a hen-do every year, can you?! 2018 was a growth year for me; I learnt a lot, grew a lot, and came to some important realisations. So I can't complain, really!

What was the highlight of 2018 for you? 

1 comment :

  1. 2018 still sounds like an incredible year! I hope 2019 is as exciting! Also I'm v jealous of the bags

    Steph -
